Customer Feedback Volume 1: Decaf Drip Coffee

Suggestion box

Located up front at the bar

We’re serious about taking feedback at the cafe. In an effort to improve everything we do here, I’m excited to start a series to share the feedback we receive on a regular basis.

How do I share feedback?

First up, we have a suggestion box right up front by our bar. We accept either hand written feedback or online here. If you are willing, I love to talk to folks about their feedback and ideas so please leave your contact information and I’ll be in touch.

Today’s Topic: Decaf Drip Coffee

This feedback was simple and to the point: serve decaf drip coffee. If you’re not a decaf drinker, it’s not obvious we don’t regularly brew decaf drip coffee.

On an average busy weekend day, we will see fewer than five people request drip coffee compared to about 35-40 sales of drip coffee. Because the demand for decaf is so small, we made a deliberate decision to go the European route with our decaf drip.

Hold up, the European route?

If you’ve ever been an American overseas in a coffee shop (even a Starbucks), if you ask for a drip coffee they will instead make you an Americano. An Americano is espresso with hot water and functionally identical to drip coffee.

Drip coffee is far more popular in the US and any European cafe will predominantly serve espresso drinks only.

Is it really the same? Why is it better?

For all intents and purposes, yep! For you the drinker, making an Americano has the key benefit of a fresh cup of coffee as opposed to one that has been sitting in a carafe for up to an hour. For the cafe, it means we reduce waste and only make a cup as it’s requested.

We look forward to seeing you in the cafe for a super fresh cup of decaf :)


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